Closed Heated Environment

Microscopy Imaging > Incubator Temperature Control

High stability, no noise Precision Temperature Controller TC-1-100i to operate miniature incubators

Easy to use and flexible controls for stable operation.  Independent second channel for the incubator lid. Can be used with Temperature controlled microscope stages..
  • Plastic-encapsulated external probes (optional): no metal ions leakage into solutions
  • Stability 0.01°C, self-adjusting
  • Built-in overheating protection
  • Analog and RS232 Inputs for programmed temperature changes: allows computer control using any software (LabView for example)
  • Analog Outputs to monitor temperature
  • No vibrations during imaging and recording - no internal fan.
Designed to operate miniature incubators by utilizing channel I to independently heat the lid, and channel II the base of the incubator. Includes connecting cables. An external temperature probe might be needed to monitor bath temperature, inside Petri dish for example. Sample publications.



up to 150°C with accuracy 0.1°C

Temperature probe:

miniature 0.87mm diameter (optional)


0.01°C, self-adjusting; required for sensitive applications: nano/piezo positioning, confocal imaging for example


allow to stabilize temperature in different sample volumes and heating stage sizes


Stage sensors, built-in in the base and the lid





An automation package to program temperature sequences and ramps, and to save or read temperature log files in Excel format is also available.

Click on catalog numbers below to purchase online.

Required accessories: incubator.

Optional accessories: external temperature probe, automation software.

Download PDF manual.

Download PDF catalog.

Bioscience Tools
ph: 877-853-9755, fax: 866-533-7490




2-Channel Temperature Controller, high stability, to operate miniature incubators



Miniature 0.87mm temperature Probe



Cable Assembly for TC-1-100i controller (included with the controller, x2). A heating element and temperature probes can be attached to the cable connectors.

Sample publications:
10 Resveratrol Preconditioning Protects Against Ischemia-Induced Synaptic Dysfunction and Cofilin Hyperactivation in the Mouse Hippocampal Slice. Neurotherapeutics Volume 20, Issue 4, July 2023, Pages 1177-1197;
9 Redox differences between rat neonatal and adult cardiomyocytes under hypoxia. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, Volume 211, 1 February 2024, Pages 145-157;
8 Hydrogen peroxide is not generated intracellularly in human neural spheroids during ischemia-reperfusion. Free Radical Biology and Medicine Volume 212, 20 February 2024, Pages 234-240;
7 Hyperglycemia exacerbates ischemic stroke not through increased generation of hydrogen peroxide. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, Volume 208, 1 November 2023, Pages 153-164;
6 A Dynamic Balance between Neuronal Death and Clearance in an in Vitro Model of Acute Brain Injury. Journal of Neuroscience 23 August 2023, 43 (34) 6084-6107;
5 OrganoidChip facilitates hydrogel-free immobilization for fast and blur-free imaging of organoids. Nature, 11268 (2023);
4 On-site genetic analysis for species identification using lab-on-a-chip. Ecol Evol. 2021 Feb; 11(4): 1535–1543;
3 Developing Analysis Protocols for Monitoring Intracellular Oxygenation using Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging of Myoglobin-mCherry. Methods in Molecular Biology, 01 Jan 2021, 2304:315-337;
2 In vivo dynamics of acidosis and oxidative stress in the acute phase of an ischemic stroke in a rodent model. j.redox.2021.102178;
1 Micropumps for Liquid Transport inside Biomimetic and Microfabricated Devices